Growing Lavender Indoors in Pots

Howdy, green thumbs and curious minds! Today, we’re diving into the delightful world of growing lavender indoors in pots, a journey that’s as fragrant as it is fascinating.

Whether you’re an urban dweller with limited outdoor space or simply a lover of all things lavender, this guide is your ticket to adding a splash of purple and a dash of calming aroma to your indoor oasis.

But that’s not all – there’s a surprising twist in my grow tent that you won’t want to miss. So grab a cup of your favorite herbal tea, get comfy, and let’s explore the ins and outs of indoor lavender gardening together.

And don’t forget to check out the video for a real-time peek into my lavender-adorned grow tent!

Growing Lavender Indoors in Pots:

Today, I’m diving deep into a topic that’s been quite the adventure in my grow tent: nurturing lavender indoors, specifically in pots.

It’s a journey that’s brought a surprising guest (hello, cantaloupe!), a dash of humor, and plenty of learning curves.

Let’s embark on this fragrant adventure together, shall we?

Growing Lavender Indoors

Growing Lavender Indoors in Pots

Key Takeaways:

  • Growing lavender indoors in pots is a fantastic way to enjoy the beauty and fragrance of this beloved herb all year round.
  • To successfully grow lavender indoors, choose a pot with good drainage,
  • Use well-draining soil,
  • Place the plant in a sunny spot,
  • Water it sparingly.
  • With the right care, your indoor lavender will thrive, adding a touch of serenity and a lovely aroma to your home.

Growing lavender indoors isn’t just about adding a touch of green to your home. It’s about bringing in a slice of the serene, fragrant outdoors right into your living space.

And guess what? My lavender plants have truly taken off! They’re tall, vibrant, and just begging to spread their wings—or roots, more like—both inside and outside the house.

But here’s a funny twist: amidst my lavender, a cantaloupe plant decided to crash the party.

Yes, you heard that right. A cantaloupe! It’s the uninvited guest that keeps on giving, from sprouting mysteriously to even flaunting a little melon.

This unexpected visitor grew from a sliver of root that sneaked into my flood tray, proving nature finds a way, often with a wink and a nudge.

I finally removed the canteloupe as it was shading my lavender and growing into my light and above it too.

I had to do it even though I did not really want to because lavender is the primary crop, not cantaloupe.

Benefits of Growing Lavender Indoors

Why bring lavender indoors, you ask? For starters, it’s like having your own little piece of Provence in a pot.

The scent alone is worth it—fresh, calming, and oh-so-divine. But there’s more; indoor lavender can actually boost your mood, improve sleep, and even keep those pesky pests at bay.

And let’s not forget the visual appeal; its vibrant purple hues can brighten up any corner of your home.

Growing Lavender Indoors from Seed

Starting lavender from seed is a test of patience and love. These beauties are slow starters, often taking their sweet time to germinate—sometimes up to a month!

And they demand a pre-chill session to kickstart that process. My lavender journey began in the fall, transferring them from seed trays to pots as they grew, showcasing the nurturing side of gardening.

If you want to take an easier route and save time just buy your lavender plants. You can also take cuttings to grow more or maybe find a friend with a plant you can get a cutting from.

Bonnie Plants Lavender Live Edible Aromatic Herb Plant - 4 Pack, 12 - 14 in. Tall Plant, Baking, Teas, Sugars, Jellies

Lavender Live Edible Aromatic Herb Plant

The Essentials: Light, Water, and Love

Lavender thrives under grow lights, making it a perfect indoor companion. My setup? An old-school COB LED light that’s just perfect for all-around plant growth.

Combine that with a well-orchestrated flood and drain system, and you’ve got yourself a lavender haven. Just remember, these plants love their light, but not too much heat. Keep an eye on those temperatures!

Learn more: DIY Flood and Drain System – Growing Lavender Indoors – Stay Green Garden

Lavender FAQs Unwrapped

  • Can lavender be an indoor plant? Absolutely! With the right care, it can be a delightful indoor buddy.
  • Can you grow lavender under grow lights? Yes, indeed. Lavender loves the consistent, bright light that grow lights offer.
  • How do you take care of potted lavender? Ensure it gets plenty of light, moderate watering, and don’t forget to prune.
  • Can you put a lavender plant in the bedroom? For sure. It might just improve your sleep and relaxation.
  • Does indoor lavender smell? Yes, and gloriously so! It’s like a natural air freshener.
  • Does a lavender plant make your house smell good? Without a doubt. Its fragrance is subtle yet unmistakably soothing.

Parting Thoughts

As spring peeks around the corner, my lavender is prepping for the great outdoor migration. But it’s not just about moving plants; it’s about adapting, learning, and sometimes, laughing at the unexpected twists nature throws our way.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a curious newbie, remember: happy gardening, and always, keep it green. Until next time, folks, take good care of yourselves and your leafy friends. Bye-bye!

Read more: How To Grow Lavender in Pots:13 Easy Care Tips And Tricks – Stay Green Garden

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